open 19:30 / start 20:00
@ Pit-Inn, Shinjuku
John Russell, Ståle Liavik Solberg, Otomo Yoshihide, Yumiko Tanaka and Ned Rothenberg
open 19:30 / start 20:00
@ Pit-Inn, Shinjuku
John Russell, Ståle Liavik Solberg, Otomo Yoshihide, Yumiko Tanaka and Ned Rothenberg
open / start : 20:30
@ Club Metro, Kyoto
Otomo Yoshihide, Seiichi Yamamoto, Yuji Katsui, Sachiko M, Hiromichi Hosoma, bikke, MAMIUMU, Ellie Omiya, Naruyoshi Kikuchi, Katsuya Terada, Tomoko Kawao
People’s Orchestra
7th Sep start : 10:00
@ Taipei Performing Arts Center
8th Sep start : 17:00
@ the open spave in fromt of Zhongshan Hall
Otomo Yoshihide and people who gathers by public offering
Music class do not teach in school ーanyone can join
start : 16:00
@ Com-Com Children’s Creative Learning Center
Otomo Yoshihide
open 13:30 / start 14:00
@ The Shoto Museum of Art
Gozo Yoshimasu and Otomo Yoshihide